
I Promise I Will:

keep off dunes and plants

Dunes are the mounds of sand with sea oats and other plants on them. They line the shore and help keep homes and businesses safe from the sea. But they are fragile! All the sand areas that rise above the beach, and other areas with sea oats, are protected by the Federal government and by Town Ordinance Sec 14-132.

  • Use designated walkways only! Keep people and pets out of dunes.

  • Keep beach chairs, umbrellas, and all other gear off the dunes!

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fill all holes

Holes are fun to dig, but holes left unattended are a major hazard on the beach. People walking at night could be injured, and nesting sea turtles could become trapped in a hole. Please leave the garden shovels at home and enjoy digging with small tools. The beach is not a place for excavations.

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remove all gear from the beach by 8:30 pm each day

Beach Gear is all the stuff we bring for a day of sun, sand and sea – chairs, towels, body boards, canopies and umbrellas, snacks, drink containers, and such. It should be kept away from the dunes, and taken with you when you leave. If you no longer need it, put it in the trashcans at any street access.

Town ordinances require that beach gear be removed at the end of the day (8:30 pm). Gear may be placed on the beach after 7 am.

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pick up trash

Trash on the beach is a danger to all. Cigarette filters trap carcinogens and release them to the sand. Plastic can take decades to degrade. Food wrappers are quickly becoming the second most common trash item on our beach. Balloons look like jellyfish to a hungry turtle, and the turtles could die from eating them! There are trashcans and blue recycling barrels at all street accesses. Please help keep Oak Island clean and safe for people and sea turtles.

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keep glass off the beach

Glass containers are not allowed on Oak Island beaches or in the access areas. Broken glass is a danger to beachgoers, and glass in trash barrels is a hazard to Town workers. Please bring your beverages in plastic or aluminum containers for everyone’s protection.

protect sea turtles

Endangered Sea Turtles nest on Oak Island beaches and dunes starting in May, and hatchlings emerge from July through October. Learn more about them here or attend a public lecture in the summer. Sea turtles are protected by Federal, State and Town laws. Please plan to:

  • Keep beachfront lights off at night.

  • Never touch or shine a light on a nesting female or hatchling.

  • Keep beach gear at least 10 feet away from nests, and don’t dig near them.

Only about 1 of every 1000 hatchlings survives to the age of reproduction. Every sea turtle needs every Beach Lover’s help!

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